Golrokh Banoo Beygom

Lady calligrapher of the Safavid era and one of the students of Mir Emad Al-Hassani, who practices and holds the handwriting of his master Mir Emad with a Nasta'liq linear cross

Painting Features
Artist name Nader Lanjani
Artist Year of Birth 1341
Art movement Oil Painting
Medium Canvas
Canvas Thread
Width (cm) 60 cm
Height (cm) 80 cm
Length (cm) 5 cm
Golrokh Banoo Beygom
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Lady calligrapher of the Safavid era and one of the students of Mir Emad Al-Hassani, who practices and holds the handwriting of his master Mir Emad with a Nasta'liq linear cross

Golrokh Banoo Beygom
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Lady calligrapher of the Safavid era and one of the students of Mir Emad Al-Hassani, who practices and holds the handwriting of his master Mir Emad with a Nasta'liq linear cross


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