Darwish Abdul Majid Taleghani

He is considered to be the only calligrapher, especially in the broken Nasta'liq. The broken calligraphy reached its peak by this great artist. He was a powerful poet and a pious and lively mystic.

Painting Features
Artist name Nader Lanjani
Artist Year of Birth 1341
Art movement Oil Painting
Medium Canvas
Canvas Thread
Width (cm) 60 cm
Height (cm) 80 cm
Length (cm) 5 cm
Darwish Abdul Majid Taleghani
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He is considered to be the only calligrapher, especially in the broken Nasta'liq. The broken calligraphy reached its peak by this great artist. He was a powerful poet and a pious and lively mystic.

Darwish Abdul Majid Taleghani
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He is considered to be the only calligrapher, especially in the broken Nasta'liq. The broken calligraphy reached its peak by this great artist. He was a powerful poet and a pious and lively mystic.


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